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A member registered Sep 08, 2021

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PlayJam 5 community · Created a new topic lets go

keen as mustard.

Beautiful work, was lovely to be a part of it :)

Excellent work, another game to play during call shifts :)

Absolutely fantastic game, happy to have been a part of it :)

That said, i'd do it again in a heartbeat :D

For anyone ALSO wondering, my percentage negotiated drops by a further 20% thanks to vendor and paypal transfer fees :P

Thank you for playing!

oops, watch out for the next version :)

I’m surprised Pawprints was able to get ANYthing in on time, I gave them very little time to implement all the work and they were incredible at putting together a working version!

we hope to integrate more diegetic sound design and interactivity into this post Jam

thank you so much :) very much appreciated